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Enrico Santus
Dairy Cows Resistance to Heat: A Challenge and an Opportunity

Enrico Santus is the General Manager of the Italian Brown Swiss Association and President of Synergy a newborn service association providing technical support for 15 populations of cattle, horses and Buffaloes in Italy. He earned a M.S. in quantitative genetics at Cornell University (NY, USA)  under the supervision of Prof. Bob Everett. He acted as member of the Interbull Steering Committee for 25 years. He is now the chairman of the Interbull working group "SNP Mace" dealing with the possibility of sharing  genomic information (SNP effects) among international populations without sharing actual genotypes and phenotypes.

He has always been involved in genetic and genomic evaluations at international levels facilitating the foundation of "Intergenomics" the world wide  initiative that permits Brown Swiss populations to have a common genotype pools for genomic evaluation.

He is member of the ICAR board since 2022.

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