Conference PowerPoint Presentations
Below are links to the Conference PowerPoint Presentations
for Conference Attendees ONLY!
Jack Britt - Dairying 50 Years in the Future
Joao Durr - New Health Trait Evaluations in the United States
Dr. Reiner Emmerling - Single-Step - Next Generation of Genomic Selection for Brown Swiss in
David Erf - How Genomic Data Performs in Real Herds
Franciska von Fedak - Brown Swiss Herd and Crossbreeding in Colombia and Latin America
Aurore Grave - More than Milk presentation
David Kendall - Genomics at ST
Jonny Lockhead - The Kedar Herd
Joe Loehr - Loehr Dairy LLC
Tanner Mashek - Hilltop Acres Farm
Josef Muller - refer to his website - MUELLERHOF-ALLGAEU.DE
Martin Rust - A Success Monitoring of Genomics in the Swiss Breeding Program
Enrico Santus - Dairy cows' resistance to heat: a challenge and an opportunity
Urs Schuler - Genetic evaluations for calf survival and resistance to ketosis in Swiss Brown
Franz Seefried - Genomic Improvements from Swiss COW Projects
Clement Sevin - 12 years experience of pure crossing with Brown Swiss
Kevin Ziemba - Strategies to Expand the Benefits of Brown Swiss Genetics through